by Eckhard Becker

It was a very good action for all participants and we are looking forward to the next operation off Rügen in October.
Water samples were also taken from the wreck off Rügen and analyzed for microplastics. First results indicate that the samples from 30 meters depth are more contaminated with microplastics than the samples from the surface. We will conduct further investigations in the fall.
From 03.09. to 10.09. we have planned another project week in Lithuania.
It would be very important that we can carry it out. At the Bosselmann we still have some nets, which are very dangerous for sea creatures, and they have to be salvaged urgently. It is also important to get them out because the Maritime Museum is currently releasing young seals in the very area where the SS Edith Bosselmann is moored. These seals were raised by hand and are very playful. The danger that the ghost nets become a death trap for them is great.
We urgently need help! We are the only ones in Lithuania who salvage nets.
So far there are only three of us in September. We cannot finance the week like this. If you can not or do not want to go, then please help us with donations so that we can pay for the boat. We still need about 3000 to 4000 €. Maybe you know people who would like to get involved? Please help us so that we do not have to cancel the week. In Lithuania it is so important that we continue. Nobody else is doing anything.
If you can help please use our contact form, THANK YOU.
What else is planned this year:
04 August 2022
In a joint action with the Bund deutsch Meeresstiftung, ghost nets will be recovered in the Bay of Lübeck on 04 August
August 20 to August 27, 2022
Wreck documentation in Lithuania (please register if interested)
September 03 to September 10, 2022
Ghost nets salvage in Lithuania
September 16, 2022
Opening of our exhibition at the Lituanian Sea Museum. On display will be pictures, 3 D models, artifacts and films about the SS Elbing IX and the SS Edith Bosselmann.
October 27 to October 29, 2022
Ghost nets salvage off Rügen (if you are interested please register)
Thank you for your effort
Kind regards